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Criatura Academy
The world is ending but, like, in a cool way where you get magic while that's happening
Permalink Mark Unread

Vallynn feels like it's unfair of him to be disappointed in Izlude, especially given how he hadn't really been expecting, ah, anything in particular. But he can't shake the feeling, as he takes a second to start to regain his land legs, that had he been expecting something, it would've been, well... more than this, kind of.

It really isn't fair of him! It's just a satellite city off Prontera, it's not meant to be grand, it's not the capital of the kingdom like Prontera is, no one advertised it as anything but this.

But still.

In retrospect maybe he should've predicted this. People talk such big game about the mainland, it's where everything's happening, and really there isn't actually much of anything happening at all back in Brasilis, so despite his trying to not get hyped up of course he would've subconsciously absorbed some of that messaging and projected it onto this place.

But, well...


Permalink Mark Unread

Regardless of Vallynn's expectations or lack thereof, Izlude is what it is, a town that exists mostly for practical reasons: to hold the port and the airport and serve as one of the main interfaces between Rune-Midgard and the rest of the world. Not very many people live here, most of them staff the place, there's not much in the way of tourism, the only people who stay here for any length of time rather than moving on to the actual rest of the country are here for the one other attraction this city boasts.

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Right, that. The boat he came here on—which came from Amatsu, stopped in Brasilis, just got here, and is going to Alberta next—is mostly a cargo ship, not a passenger ship, so despite the presumed high influx of would-be adventurers here he's the only one bound for the Academy on his ship. So it falls to him to find out where to go, as whatever welcoming party there might be when bigger passenger ships arrive is nowhere in sight right now. The port looks downright deserted, if he's honest.

"Excuse me," he says to the first professional-looking local he can find. "Can I have directions to the Criatura Academy?"

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"Down the street out of the port to the main road then north past the city gates," says the bored-looking person, not looking up from their clipboard to respond.

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"Thank you!" he calls after her aaand she's gone okay. Vallynn supposes people around here must be really used to giving new adventurers directions, and those are easy enough instructions to follow. Onwards, then.

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The paved road is pretty wide, as befits a well-used road that sees frequent action, but at this time in the evening it's mostly deserted; most frequent boats probably arrive in the morning, the trip from Amatsu only happens once a week and the trip from Amatsu that stops in Brasilis once a month, so Vallynn didn't have the option to be picky.

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There was some amount of pickier he could've been; there's a more frequent passenger boat from Brasilis to Alberta but then he'd have to go from Alberta to Izlude and that'd either be a pretty long trip overland that'd pass uncomfortably close to the Morroc dimensional instability, a second boat to Izlude, or an expensive teleport through the Kafra Corporation services he's heard so much about.

Which, well, he'd probably have gone for the Brasilis-Alberta-Izlude trip, actually, if the Amatsu-Brasilis-Izlude trip hadn't been only a few days away from when he was ready to go. What can he say, he likes comfort.

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The main road runs from the airport in the south to Criatura Academy in the north, passing through the plaza and market in the center of the town. At this time in the evening there are very few people out and about, and the Academy is actually the most lively-looking place from this distance, with many lights still on.

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Excellent. He'll have time to properly get to know this place later, but for now he'll just follow the lights.

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Training grounds with practice dummies and a stable population of different types of porings can be seen from the front of the building, and three people are there still awake and training: a boy fumbling about with a sword, another boy staring intently at a marin as if hoping it will spontaneously explode, and a girl punching her dummy in precise, practised motions, one-two-three like clockwork.

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...kinda hot ngl.

Anyway. Into the building

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A professional-looking woman is at the reception reading a book, and a short pointy-eared woman is standing in a corner meditating. The receptionist looks up when Vallynn walks in, puts her book down, and smiles at him. "Good evening! How may I help you?"

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Holy shit an elf?? He thought the stories about those working for Eden Group were just people making everything more fantastical than reality.

"—hi!" he says after a beat, noticing he'd been staring. "I'm here to register for the Academy."

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"Oh! Yes, of course, please give me a moment." She shuffles through some papers until she finds the relevant registration forms and she passes one over to him plus a pen. "Please fill this out. If your name is originally written in a different alphabet please include a transliteration next to it to the best of your ability; surname is optional, prospective guild is optional, please let me know if you have any questions."

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"Will do, thank you."

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She accepts the form once it's been filled out, reads it over, nods to herself, then says, "Do you have a preference for your roommate being the same gender? We don't have any available single rooms; we do have empty two-person rooms if you'd prefer to be alone for the moment but we'd eventually have someone join you. And you can of course acquire lodgings in the city but the Academy doesn't cover the cost for those."

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"No gender preference, and you can put me in a room that already has someone." Good way to break the ice and might get him a potential future party member to boot.

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"Allllright, one moment, please..." More looking through files and then: "Ah, here we go, yes, room 107, up two flights of stairs to the right that way," she says, offering Vallynn a key.

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"Thank you very much!"

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"Of course! Meals are at 7:30AM, 12PM, and 6PM for an hour and a half in the mess hall down that way, so if you drop your things in your new room and come back downstairs quickly enough you can catch the tail end of dinner!"

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Oh, right, food is a thing that exists. Thank you, receptionist person, for reminding him of this fact.

Upstairs to his room.

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And once he unlocks the door he'll find his roommate was doing one-handed pushups in the middle of the room.

In the buff.

"...hello," he says, looking up at Vallynn with a curious expression on his face.

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"Hello indeed," Vallynn says almost automatically while the two of them exchange the kinds of looks that only people who are immediately and obviously attracted to each other can exchange. "Am I in the wrong room, or...?"

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The other boy jumps to his feet. "Room 107. I assume you're my new roommate? Taharqi, at your service. I'd shake your hand but I would not want to drench you in my sweat."

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"I do think I am, yes." He steps into the room and closes the door behind himself. "I'm Vallynn."

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"A pleasure to meet you, Vallynn."

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He looks around the room. "Is that your bed?"

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"It is. You know, you're surprisingly blasé about, ah..." He gestures down at his nudity.

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"I mean, it's not like I'm wearing all that much myself, is it," he says, gesturing down at his shirtlessness and very short skirt.

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"I suppose," he agrees, giving Vallynn another once-over just for effect.

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"Anyway, I should leave my things here and go downstairs to eat, I'm almost out of time for dinner."

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"...what time is it?"

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"Quarter past seven."

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"Shit. Ah, give me five minutes to wash the sweat off and I'll come with?"

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"I presume 'putting clothes on' will also feature in that plan somewhere."

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"Will it? I quite like the way you're looking at me."

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"I can spend dinner picturing you naked if that'll bring you joy."

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"It will! Alright, be ready in a minute."

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"Thought you'd said five."

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"And we're wasting those five so toodles."

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Vallynn grins and shakes his head then once Taharqi has covered himself enough that he can go out to the shared bathrooms Vallynn starts exploring the room.

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It's not very sumptuous: two beds, two bedside tables, a wardrobe big enough for two, some bookshelves, a weapons rack currently holding two very fancy-looking daggers, and an armour rack currently holding a simple thick leather jerkin with a coat-of-arms engraved in bas-relief on the chest.

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Rich boy, huh? Well, Vallynn has places to put his scant few belongings: clothes go in wardrobe (which his roommate was kind enough to leave half empty for him), dagger and staff go on weapons rack, books go in shelves, and then he walks over to the window to look outside.

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The room is facing north, so Vallynn can see the ocean to the north and northeast and Prontera in the distance to the northwest.

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Now that city looks a lot more like what he'd (apparently subconsciously) expected. He caught glimpses of it from the boat earlier but it looks a lot grander from this close, tall surrounding walls and all. He definitely wants to go exploring at some point.

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And a few minutes later Taharqi is back. "Alright, let's go, they're pretty anal about their times."

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"Fine by me, I don't like wasting a ton of time eating."

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"Roger that." Clothes go on and they can start making their way downstairs. "So, Vallynn, where are you from?"

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"Were you expecting a Pedro or a Thiago?"

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"You caught me."

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"It's an elven name."

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"You know, that's not any less confusing."

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"It's not, I agree."

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"Are you telling me to mind my own business?"

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"No, I'm just being a shit." He shrugs. "There isn't a story, there. Mom liked the name."

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"So no mysterious elven ancestry that will reveal itself in unparalleled magical proficiency?"

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"If it does I will be as surprised as you."

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"I'm not sure I'd be surprised at this point, honestly, I've foreshadowed it and everything."

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"Ah huh." Here's the mess hall, mostly empty at this time of night, and they can get their gruel over there. "And you, where are you from?"

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"...wait, wasn't Morroc..."

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"Destroyed when a demon sunk it into the sands, yep."

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"Shit. I'm sorry."

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He shrugs. "They're rebuilding, there's a refugee camp, there are powerful people keeping the demons mostly at bay..."

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...he's not gonna ask but he's sensing that Taharqi may have a specific reason to become an adventurer. Which, honestly, fair enough. Vallynn doesn't, so much—but what he does want to do is make the world safer and more peaceful and prosperous, so "defeat the demon that destroyed a country" isn't a bad quest to work towards.

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He shrugs. Then pauses when he spots someone. "Let's sit over there," he says, gesturing with his chin at one of the very few occupied tables.

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And the person that was over there looks up when they arrive then sighs longsufferingly.

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"Vallynn, this is Annika Elgrsdóttir," says Taharqi, taking a seat. "Annika, this is Vallynn."

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"A pleasure?"

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"...I saw you punching the training dummy earlier. It looked really cool."

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"My form isn't good enough."

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"We're always our own worst critics."

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"If my form were good enough I wouldn't be here," she explains patiently.

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"...fair enough, honestly. Have you guys been here long?"

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"Coupl'a days."

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"Two weeks and three days."

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"Anything to tell the newbie?"

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"...about what?"

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"There's instructors all over the place and representatives of a number of guilds. Training is kind of freeform but there are so-to-speak graduation criteria at least for some of the guilds. Basically, you get fast-tracked into a guild if you look competent enough."

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Some of that he knew, yeah.

"How does instruction work, exactly? Like, freeform in what way?"

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"You can use a training dummy if one is available, you can ask an instructor to look over your form if one is available—"

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"I'm gonna be a mage."

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"—you know, I have no idea what mage instructors do? I've seen people practising magic on the porings but I don't think I've seen any magic instructors out on the training grounds."

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"I guess it's obvious enough if you're succeeding or not as a mage?"

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Just then the boy from earlier that had been trying to concentrate really hard on the marin walks into the mess hall, his clothes and hair looked mildly singed.

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"...and that is an example of 'not'," he adds in an undertone.

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Annika smiles a bit into her food.

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"—hey, wow, you managed to make her smile in less than an hour's acquaintance, that's impressive!"

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Aaand now she's scowling again.

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"Anyway, I imagine the instructors have all retired for the night by now so I should go find the mages in the morning?"

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"Yeah. And afterwards tell me about it, I'm really curious how that goes."

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"What are you two aiming for?"

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"Hey, that's a party."

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"No healer."

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"There could be a healer."

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"No, there could not."

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"Didn't mean you."

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"...then who."

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"Someone! Or one of us could pick it up."

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"Bit familiar for less than an hour's acquaintance."

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"I'm not married to the idea, it's just the prototypical thing to do here at the Academy, isn't it?"

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"Sure, just make sure to shop around, parties come and go."

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"So, why a mage?"

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"Why not a mage?"

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"Stabbing things is cool?"

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"Setting things on fire is cool."

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"Ah, a firebug, I see."

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"I'm not a firebug, I just like raw magic."

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"To set things on fire."

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"Or freeze them! Or do stuff like this." His spoon floats up to his face so he can take the next spoonful of food.

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"...you got a telekinesis spell?"

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"Not exactly. This one I figured out the hard way, I haven't gotten any proper Skills yet. Though I think I'm at three or four potential right now, maybe."

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"Oh you got telekinesis yourself, like manually?"

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"Are you sure there's no elven ancestry in there somewhere?"

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"It's a pretty small spell, nothing very fancy. Surely you knew how to use those knives even prior to learning any Skills with them."

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"I thought it was a lot less straightforward with spells."

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"Well, I mean, it's less straightforward but not not straightforward."

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"Well, mark me as a lot more interested in this party idea now, a mage that can develop his own spells isn't something you pass up."

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"Well, I'm flattered."

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"But it's still far too early to really think about that. Once we have a hundred porings under each of our belts we can start thinking about moving on to bigger threats, like fabres."

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Annika snorts.

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"Gosh, I'm not sure when I'll be ready for that kind of action. Seems a little bit too exciting, you know?"

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"Just wait until I tell you about rockers."

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"I'm not sure I'll ever be powerful enough for rockers. Fire wolves, sure, but rockers? With those disgusting antennae? Terrifying."

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"We're even getting laughter, now! We must be so charming."

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...she scowls again and decides that's too much time spent around extroverts. "Good night," she says, abruptly getting up and stalking off.

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"I think she likes you."

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"Do you think if she likes me enough she'll punch me?"

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"I'm sure if you try hard and believe in yourself you can get her to."

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"Oh I will try."

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"...you will?"

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"Have you seen what she can do with those fists? If she punched me like that I'd say 'thank you'."

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"I think you and I are going to be very good friends."

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"But are we going to be the kind of very good friends who fall into bed together on the same day they met?"

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It turns out that they are in fact going to be that kind of very good friends.

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The next morning after breakfast Vallynn goes looking for the Mages' Guild representative where he's been told they'd be on the first floor.

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The enrobed man in the room, reading from a tome that looks almost as heavy as he is, doesn't look much older than Vallynn himself, maybe 25 if that. When Vallynn knocks on the doorframe he looks up then looks back down and says, "Dancers' Guild is two doors down the hallway."

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"—uh, no, I'm looking for the Mages' Guild, actually."

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He looks back up and squints. "...for yourself?"

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"Are you sure?"

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"Yes. Are the clothes throwing you off, is wearing big flowy stuffy robes a strict requirement?"

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"Not... as such, no."

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"I bet I can find a way to make big flowy stuffy robes sexy."

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"Are you really sure sure that you're meant to go here?"

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He huffs and shuts the boy's book closed telekinetically.

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The boy jumps then looks intently at Vallynn again. "Oh...kay. Um. Right."

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"Are you the mage instructor?"

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"No, I'm her assistant. She's, uh, still asleep."

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"...I see. Any idea when she'll wake up?"

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Helpless shrug.

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"What's a mage assistant do, then?"

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"I wish I knew."

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He sighs. "She has me fetch her stuff and do chores and answer basic questions and turn people away..."

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"'Turn people away'."

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"A lot more people think they can be mages than actually can. I'm meant to get rid of those."

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"And so you turn people away if they're not wearing robes."

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The boy flushes. "I didn't turn you away, did I?"

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"Not for lack of trying!"

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He squints. "...you're messing with me."

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"I am."

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"I'm older than you."

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"Only barely."

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"And more senior."

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"Also correct."

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"...so stop that."

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"Sure. So how do you usually turn people away, if it's not that they look too hot to belong in a dusty old wizard's tower."

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"Well, if they don't know any magic."

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"...isn't that a bit backwards? Aren't you meant to be the ones teaching magic?"

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"Well, sure, but after there's, like, they've shown any aptitude."

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"Like after they've successfully electrocuted a marin to death and not themself?"

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"...oh you've met Pierre. Yeah. Wizard Mara does not want to be bothered by people who can't electrocute a marin to death without electrocuting themselves in the process."

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"So suppose someone shows up who wants to be a mage but doesn't know any magic and wants to start from scratch, you...?"

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"...tell them to go take the basic lessons downstairs on how to get Skills and then lend them a book on the basics," he says, pointing at a pile of small thin books over in a corner.

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"I suppose that optimises very neatly for not wasting Wizard Mara's time."

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"Which is exactly as intended," calls a voice from the door behind Vallynn, making the other boy jump.

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Vallynn doesn't jump, though, and just turns around and grins at her. "And you must be Wizard Mara. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Vallynn."

(Also: she is totally making the flowy robes look sexy, with the bodice and the cleavage and the fluff around the neck, it's simultaneously regal and wizardly and really attractive.)

(Not his style, though. Not quite.)

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"Mm, that's to be determined, Vallynn. Did you give poor Bjorn a fright with your, ah... skirt? Loincloth? What are you wearing, dear? Actually, don't answer that, I don't care." She walks past him towards the back of the room where another door, this one closed, leads to presumably her office or... something. "Bjorn, let me know when this jungle man has proven any good—"

    "Uh, actually..."


    "Um. He did telekinesis?"

She turns around to squint at Vallynn. "You wasted an entire Skill on that? It'd better be truly impressive range and power."

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"Uh, no to all of those."

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"Beg pardon?"

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"It's not very impressive range or power but it's also not a Skill."

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"Show me."

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Up into the air goes Bjorn's book, to the boy's chagrin.

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"...well well well. Interesting. Maybe you do have potential, jungle man.

"But I don't want my time wasted so how about you go talk to all of the other instructors in this shoddy building and make extra sure there isn't anything else you're missing and come back when you have? I'll be rather cross to find any gaps in your education."

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"Yes, ma'am."

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"Now shoo, you're distracting Bjorn."

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Down drops the book.

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Bjorn yelps—the book is very heavy—and Wizard Mara snorts before retreating into her room.

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"Right, then. Instructors downstairs?"

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"...uh, yeah. Uh, Skills and Stats and basic field first aid and, uh, tactics 101? I think? Oh and elemental theory. ...and, uh, cooking? I'm not sure you need that one."

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"I'll keep it in mind, thank you, Bjorn. It was a pleasure bothering you."

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He scowls and tries to look for the page he'd been reading before his book got so rudely shut closed in his face. "Now go away."

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"Aww, I thought we were building a rapport."

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He leaves, but not before grabbing one of those beginners' books.

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"Fancy seeing you here."

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Annika doesn't look up or miss a beat in her combo against the training dummy. "It's not."

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"Is it because you're always here at this time in the morning?"

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"Yes." One-two-THREE one-two-THREE one-two-step-FOUR...

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"I see. That makes sense."

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...he is trying to get some reaction out of her, she's sure of it, but she doesn't know what it could be.

And she doesn't much care.

One-two-THREE one-two-THREE one-two-step-FOUR one-two-THREE...

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Mmhm. Anyway, he grabs his two fancy-looking daggers and gets to practising, himself. And in a certain sense, his style couldn't be more different from hers if it tried.

Annika's relying on intense perfected physical form, being able to do exactly the correct thing every time; this makes her predictable, of course, but she overcomes this issue by the predictability not mattering, because it really makes no difference if she's precise enough no one can dodge and strong enough she can punch through whatever defences are put in place.

Taharqi, on the other hand, is being unpredictable. No two hits cut the same place and his stance is constantly shifting, so light on his feet he's almost floating, hit-dodge-hit-hit-dodge-hit-dodge-dodge. It's almost more of a dance than fighting except for the way the training dummy is very much feeling the hurt here.

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...huh. Maybe he's more than just talk.

But neither of them would be here if they didn't need the practice; the Academy only takes people starting at age 19 or 20, maybe 18 if they're precocious enough (which she is), so they've had a while of training already if they're worth their salt, but the smart thing to do is to acquire at most one or two Skills before coming here at all. You don't want to lock yourself into something that might be very inefficient or not what you wanted, and then it's very difficult and expensive to lose a learned Skill (or alternatively you don't do that and instead just have a useless Skill taking up space in your head forever which is unthinkable in Annika's opinion). So Annika herself has some minor self-healing not taking up any Skill slots, just the basics anyone tracking for the Church learns in preparatory classes before joining the Academy, and she's not planning on using up her first potential until she's ready to actually leave.

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More people arrive at the training grounds to join them, practising with swords and daggers and arrows and guns and hammers and their bare fists and magic. There are not enough training dummies for everyone, but there are enough porings: roughly spherical slime creatures with easily identifiable elemental affinities that aren't permanently killable but which can be temporarily taken down before they reform. They vary a lot in power, and the Academy makes sure they don't merge too much before being killed, but they're great for many types of practice.

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Such as, for example, elemental practice. Just before lunch Vallynn walks out of the building, squints at a poring, and calls a lightning bolt onto it.

It explodes with a wet plop like Jell-O being punched really hard, and he smiles to himself, pleased as punch.

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(...the boy who'd gotten himself singed last night (Pierre, Bjorn had said?) walks back into the building, looking dejected.)

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...yeah, sorry, man. He didn't mean to show off.


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Taharqi walks up to him, half-smiling. "Is that another non-Skill you got on your own?"

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"No, no, that one was a Skill. Lightning Bolt."

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"Which you didn't have this morning."

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"It's still morning."

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"Ah huh."

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"Oh, come on, I did say that I had three or four potentials. Surely if you tried to get a new Skill right now you'd get it quickly, too, especially if you had a book about it."

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"Oh, no, not me, I'm all full up."

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"...really? Why?"

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"There was not really any question of what I was getting and I had good enough access to tutors, so."

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"...huh. So what'd you get?"

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"Four ranks in Double Attack."

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"Which presumably does what it says on the tin."

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"Pretty much! Think once act twice kind of thing, it's not really a very active Skill, it just kind of happens."

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"It's really weird how Skills do that, actually, like I'd been told but it just feels a lot different to actually experience it, the difference between my teekay and the Lightning Bolt Skill."

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"Yeah, I know what you mean. It is very much me who is doing the things I am doing but I am not, really, all there for it, you know?"

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"It must be so much creepier when it's physical Skills like that."

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"I wouldn't know. No magic here."

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"I'm of the school of thought that all Skills and Stats are magic."

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"...walk me through that?"

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"I will but get back to stabbing that training dummy, that was hot and I want to watch."

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"Yes, sir." He gets back to what he'd been doing, paying somewhat less attention to it but his form suffering only a little bit from it.

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"So. What's magic?"

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"...you're lucky I like you because I don't like where this is going. I don't know, Vallynn, what is magic?"

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"Any phenomena that permit creatures with a will to change the way the world works," Annika recites, without looking up from her dummy.

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"Uh huh. Seems useless."

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"Everything's magic, then. Talking is magic, building things is magic, what's the point of having a word that means everything?"

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"Okay, fair, so the thing is we want something that means the obvious things like Lightning Bolt and doesn't mean the other obvious things like talking and build things. Right?"

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"Sure, that sounds reasonable enough."

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"And then we have the word 'spells' for the kinds of Skills that mages and priests use, right? But not for, for instance, your Double Attack."

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"With you so far."

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"And 'Increase Agility' is a spell, right?"

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"But 'Improve Dodge' isn't."

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"It's... a passive Skill..."

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"'Improve Concentration'?"

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"I guess I would accept calling that one a spell."

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Vallynn shrugs, but the other two aren't looking at him (though a couple of others have started half paying attention, too).

"Anyway, my point is, while there's a kind of fuzzy boundary between Skills that are and aren't spells and they bleed into each other, there is a very sharp difference between stabbing something twice and Double Attacking it. Like, in both cases, you're deciding to stab, right? It's still you, a creature with a will, using your will to change the world. But when you use Double Attack you are changing the way your body works to make it do a thing that you don't, yourself, know how to do, and that you couldn't just do on your own—at least not yet. When you learn a Skill you're very directly using your mind to cause an effect in the world without going through intermediate steps."

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"Right... because I need to actually work out and exercise physically to be good at stabbing things but with Double Attack it kind of just happens?"

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"And Stats?"

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"Same deal. You're absorbing the strength off monsters but that's not the same as going and, as you say, working out yourself. If nothing else, there's no amount of working out that'd let our friend Annika here punch through steel the way she'll be able to in the future. That has to be through Stats."

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"...that feels... wrong."

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"I don't have a good way to... I mean, why is exercising different from killing monsters?"

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"...when you exercise, there is a specific thing that is happening to your muscles, they are getting stronger and more resilient. When you increase your Stats, you can do the punching-through-steel thing even without a single noticeable change to your actual body. You've seen monks? They're ripped but not, like, built like oxen, working out enough to get like that should not be enough to do what they can do."

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One-two-THREE one-two-THREE one-two-THREE...

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"It shouldn't?"

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"Their bones aren't any harder to break once they're dead."

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"Big difference there, that 'once they're dead'."

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"Well, yeah, but that's sort of it, right? The kind of muscle that lets you stab very well is still there when you die; the kind of Stat that lets you stab something twelve times a second isn't."

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"And you're saying that's magic."

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"Well, I mean, words are words. But if there's anything the word 'magic' means that isn't just 'the Skills that are also spells' then that's what it is."

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"Hmm. Seems a bit... philosophical."

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"I am a mage," Vallyn says, wryly. "Prospective."

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"Speaking of, Mr. Mage, you should go back to exploding porings, you're distracting me and worse you're distracting Annika."

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"You mistimed three punches over the past two minutes."

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She stops to stare at him. "How did you—"

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"Situational awareness. It's a gift."

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She huffs and goes back to practising and definitely tunes other people out this time.

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Sure, he'll go explode some porings.

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Later at lunch Pierre is picking at his food, still looking dejected, sitting at a table where a few other people wearing robes are also eating. Most of them look substantially less upset than he does.

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Oh is that the mages' table? Sure, he'll sit with them.

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"Oh if it isn't Mr. Prodigy," sneers one of them when Vallynn sits down.

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"—I'm sorry?"

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"Bjorn told us about you," she says. "Teekay without a Skill, and then learning Lightning Bolt over two hours. Are you sure you're not too good to sit with us mere mortals?"

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...he really hadn't realised all of that was that exceptional. Like, sure, he's not bad by any means, but.

"I had already studied it," he says, which is kind of true but only in the most technical of senses. "So it's not all that."

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"Uh huh."

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"Anyway! I'm Vallynn. It's nice to meet you."

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    "We'll see about that," she says.

"I'm Magnhild," says another mage. "And these are Georgina," the girl who was talking before, "Pierre, Natalya, Inga, Astrid, and you've met Bjorn."

        "Hey," says Bjorn.

            "Hiya," says Astrid.

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"Pierre, you look kind of down."

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He mumbles something too low to be heard and continues to pick at his food.

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"Come again?"

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"Must you rub it in?" he repeats, more loudly, and sighs.

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"Rub what in?"

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    "Are you this daft on purpose or does it just kind of happen?" wonders Georgina.

"Georgy, don't be such a bitch to the new guy," says Magnhild.

    "Well he shouldn't be a bitch to Pierre, then!"

        "It's fine," says Pierre. "He's not being a bitch."

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Man it's not his fault that Pierre is incompetent not helpful.

"Sorry, that was a bad opening. Um, what I meant to say was, do you want some help?"

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"Yeah. You know. With Lightning Bolt. At least I assume that's what you were trying to learn?"

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    "What would Mr. Prodigy even know about helping," mutters Georgina.


        Pierre shrugs uncomfortably. "That's not the problem..."

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"I... already have a lightning spell. But it's a bad one. And I'm trying to make it work, 'cause if I don't then I'll have to actually learn Lightning Bolt and then I'm wasting my Skill slots."

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"...ah. You're trying to get Lightning Bolt to extend your existing lightning spell? That sounds hard."

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"And Bjorn found me this book that has some theory stuff that could be helpful but it involves coming up with some novel non-Skill spell and I'm not a prodigy."

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"Do you, uh, want to show me this book later and see if I can't help? If nothing else two people thinking about the subject can't do worse than just one."

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He looks at Vallynn dubiously. "Don't you have your own practice to do?"

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"I'm not in any kind of hurry to get out of here as soon as I can, and helping people out, or just hanging out with them and spending time together, are part of what this place is for. In my opinion, anyway."

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Pierre smiles a little bit. "Okay. Yeah, sure, that works."

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"Cool! After lunch, then."

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"...so, uh, where are you from?" wonders Astrid.

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    "Oh, that's near Moscovia," says Natalya.

Bjorn looks at him out of the corner of his eyes. "Is that why, uh..."

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"There are plenty of people in Brasilis who wear as much as everyone here in Rune-Midgard," Vallynn says wryly. "But, uh, there is zero nudity taboo for cultural reasons related to traditional customs and also because of the weather so it is unremarkable to, say, be only in a skirt and sandals or whatever."

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"People from the Dancers' Guild wear stuff like that too," Bjorn offers. "It's why I thought you were going there."

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"What is it with mages and the long, thick, flowing robes?"

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"I think it's just cultural?" speculates Bjorn.

    "When you cast powerful spells that come with eldritch wind they swish in a cool way," offers Astrid.

"...there is that."

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"'Eldritch wind'."

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"You know, when you cast some spells there's this wind coming from nowhere all around you," Magnhild explains. "It's not even especially powerful ones, just, ones a bit more powerful than Lightning Bolt."

    "Whenever you cast one of those spells you'll be flashing everyone," says Astrid.

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"Oh, I will, won't I. Maybe that's a good reason to get long flowy robes, if everyone around here will be as shocked by the sight of balls as this."

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"It also gets cold some places," adds Bjorn.

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"I had hoped to get this enchanted, actually. It's not really necessary back home but I figured it would be here and a fire enchantment seems useful in general."

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"It'd make you more vulnerable to water and especially ice spells, though," he counters.

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"I can shore up my magical defence, how about."

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"You really want to be naked, huh," says Astrid.

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"I like looking hot and I think I look really hot wearing this. Plus I'm used to it."

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"Speaking of, how did you get to look like that?" wonders Magnhild. "Most mages look, well..."

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"Thin? Twinky? Emaciated?"

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"Yeah, kinda."

    "Ouch," says Pierre.

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"Well, like I said, I like looking hot. Plus it's not like I could really practise all that much magic on my own, trying to keep my Skill slots open and all, and I figure if I'm going to go around being an adventurer I might as well be physically fit. It's not like I'm going to waste my Stats on constitution and strength, so I'll get what I can from what my actual biology can give me."

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"Oh I heard you talking about that earlier, at the training grounds," Inga pipes up. "And actually I've got a bone to pick with your theory."

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"Oh it's not my theory, I didn't come up with it, I only read about it and kind of liked it. But sure, let's debate."

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"Mages," sighs Bjorn, fondly exasperated.

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"So, where are you from?" he asks, while he and Annika and the other two melee users are taking a break under the shade.

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"Alberta," says the one who introduced herself as Hilda-no-matronym.

    "Payon," says the one called Natsumi. "You're from Morroc?"

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"My condolences," says Natsumi.

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Shrug. "I try not to think too hard about it."

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"Is that why you came to Rune-Midgard?"

    "Hilda!" gasps Natsumi. "You can't just ask things like that!"

"Why not? I was curious."

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Taharqi smiles despite himself. "You're not wrong, yeah. Spending some time away from the sun and sand, see new sights, meet new," less traumatised, "people. Kind of hard seeing reminders of—before—everywhere."

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    "I can't imagine, something like that just suddenly happening out of the blue without warning, killing everyone you love..."

"For the love of Freyja, Hilda, that's insensitive as fuck—"

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"It's fine, Natsumi, I don't want people tiptoeing around eggshells about the subject for the rest of my life and I know people are curious.

"It wasn't as bad as it sounds, though; the center of the rift was right under the palace and it was pretty localised, central Morroc City was gone in an instant but most of the outskirts and every other city and village managed to escape the initial blast."

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"And then the demons started showing up."

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"And then the demons started showing up," Taharqi agrees. "Eden Group managed to keep them at bay enough that most people got evacuated, I hear they got adventurers years into retirement to show up for this, and then they got Rune-Midgard and Morroc to pull their collective heads out of their asses enough to form the Continental Guard. A lot of the desert was overtaken by the demons by then but now it's reasonably well-contained."

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"And a good training grounds for adventurers," she muses.

    "Only very powerful ones," counters Natsumi. "I hear guards will literally duel you at the border if you try to get in and you can only get past them if you can put up enough of a fight."

"Seems like a waste. If people want to die of their own stupidity why not let them?"

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"Demons could possess them and pretend they were fine and then escape," says Annika.

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"And we can't really afford to lose adventurers like that when there's so many problems that need adventurers around."

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"Adventurers too stupid to survive are good riddance anyway," shrugs Hilda.

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"If we didn't need stupid adventurers Eden Group wouldn't post bounties for lunatics and fabres."

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She lets out a frustrated noise. "Hunting pests is also important. You don't need powerful people to hunt pests. Having weak people hunting pests is useful and if they die to demons they aren't hunting pests and that's bad."

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"—oh I think I see what you mean. Even if someone is too dumb to be a proper adventurer that hunts demons they could be used for less important tasks?"

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"You know, it's really unkind to call people dumb."

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"I'm saying it like it is."

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"Lots of regular adventurers who don't want to fight demons are useful and not dumb!"

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"Sure, and those don't try to go fight demons and have to be stopped by the Continental Guard."

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"...I suppose."

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"I don't like thinking of people as stupid like it's this immutable fact about them. I think a lot of this stuff is contingent."

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"Contingent on?"

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"...well, a bunch of things, like believing they can become stronger faster that way, or thinking they're more powerful than they actually are, or really really needing the money..."

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"That all sounds stupid. I guess not the money thing."

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Annika stands up and goes to find a training dummy to hit.

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"...bye, then."

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"She's just like that."

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"But she does have a point, I'm feeling well-rested too and want to get back to practising." He downs the rest of his waterskin and stands up, stretching. "Say, have you guys seen the Rogues' Guild representative? Was hoping to get some pointers."

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Both of them point in the same direction.

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"Awesome, thank you."

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"So what's Brasilis like? I'd never met anyone from there."

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(Taharqi arranged for most of the prospective mages, rogues, and swordsmen to sit at the same table for dinner, and he's sitting right at the center of it to be a little socialite.)

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(And Georgina is seated near one end of the table to stay far away from...)

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(...Vallynn, who's close to the other end. Bjorn, Pierre, Astrid, and Annika are sitting close to him.)

"Bit of a broad question so I hope you don't mind broad answers. It's really hot pretty much year round? I imagine not, like, Sograt Desert hot, not quite, but we don't really have seasons except for wet and less wet."

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"It's rainforests. Hot and wet is how it goes."

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"Oh that sounds extremely unpleasant."

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Bjorn tugs at the collar of his robes.

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Vallynn laughs. "Yeah you'll need a hefty ice and wind enchantment to be able to wear that back home without sweating bullets. If you've never been around hot and wet let me tell you it absolutely does not make you want to wear too many clothes; the air itself feels like clothes."

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"I've heard Comodo described as hot and wet but it doesn't sound as bad as rainforests."

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"I've never been—it's my first time on the continent, actually—but from what I've heard Comodo's weather gets pretty mild? Cool evenings with a sea breeze and all that, nice for vacations."

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"Hot and wet at night."

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"Yep. I don't hate it, mind you, you kinda get used to it and I love the rainstorms. But I am absolutely not wearing mage robes like yours back there, I'll melt into a puddle."

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"Prontera is pretty nice," Pierre offers.

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"It is! I'd kind of feared it might be a lot colder but I'm growing pretty fond of it myself. The sun feels a lot friendlier here."

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"I don't think I'd ever thought of the sun as something that could be friendly."

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"Take a trip to the desert sometime, you'll learn."

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"You've been?"

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"Years ago. Before Surt sank Morroc. With my parents."

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"Oh you've been, like, to the desert desert not just the borders with cute peco peco."

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"Yeah. And it gets really really hot. But dry. You have to wear a lot of thick clothes because it gets so hot you don't notice you're sweating because it evaporates too quickly and then you get really dehydrated and die."

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"Well that's not morbid or anything," mutters Bjorn.

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"It serves no one to shy away from it."

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"—what?" Bjorn says, startling. He'd nearly forgotten she was there.

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"Death by dehydration is only one of many possible fates that await you as an adventurer. You need to face it head-on."

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"You know, now that I think about it there's gonna be a period of time in anyone's adventures where they're limited in where they can go because of their final gear."

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"What do you mean?"

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"I mean—okay, so, if I want to go to the desert or whatever right now I'll just change into desert gear, right? But imagine I pick this outfit as my final outfit and start enchanting it. Then until I have enchantments that can deal with any kind of weather I'm stuck to places that don't need any enchantments I don't have."

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"...I mean, not really. If you start enchanting your gear you can still wear unenchanted desert clothes to visit exactly the same bits of the desert you could visit in unenchanted desert clothes before. It's just that you won't be able to visit new parts of the desert you're technically strong enough for until you've enchanted your gear to be desert-worthy."

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"Plus if you pick something like that, uh, like what you're wearing you can just wear whatever you want over it, it's like underwear. You'll need a top eventually though."

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"Or a lot of jewellery. But I'm not gonna decide on my final gear this early anyway, I'll figure it out when I figure it out."

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"...how long would you wait?"

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"Don't rightly know. Probably at least until my Stat gains aren't as high as they are right now."

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"That's pretty vague."

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"Do you have less vague plans?"

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"Oh absolutely not but I haven't thought about it nearly as much as it looks like you have and, I dunno, guess I kinda expected that much thinking to get anywhere?"

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"Ha. Yes, fair enough. I'd say most of the results of thinking are, like, having some feelings about what kinds of things I'll use to decide? Like, okay, for one I'll need to see what my rate of earnings will be to have a better idea of what'll be within my means, and I'll also need to check out the market for going rates of common gear and for commission prices—I am planning on taking this career to its extreme so I'm definitely not going to settle for standard enchantments and refinement, I'll want to get a custom-made staff at minimum and—"

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She raises her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, you do have less vague thoughts, I concede."

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"When you say extreme, you mean...?"

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"...well this is just an example I'm thinking about because it's fresh but I want to be the kind of person that participates in the main assault against threats like Surt."

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"Isn't that kind of—ambition—reasonably common amongst adventurers, though?"

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"Well, yeah, but..."

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"People usually go 'I want to be the one to defeat Surt' which, sure, everyone says that, but 'I want to participate in the main assault against Surt' sounds a lot more—serious? Like you've given it thought? Like you're not just going 'Hel yeah I'll be a powerful adventurer' because you, uh, know that it won't be just a single adventurer that'll take Surt down? I guess."

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"Oh, yeah, that's what sounded weird. It's like you've got a plan."

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"...well, I don't, really. I wasn't even planning on taking on Surt specifically, if nothing else it'll take me years to get that strong and I hope we'll have defeated him before that."

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"Or he'll have killed us all."

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"It's a legitimate risk!"

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"I don't see what talking about it like that helps with, though! It's so—pessimistic—"

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"Maybe the Dark Lord in Glastheim will overrun the world with his servants, maybe Rune-Midgard and Arunafeltz and Schwartzvald will go to war and destroy each other, maybe it is Ragnarök like those nutjobs at the church think and Skoll and Hatii will eat the sun and the moon..."

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"Now you're doing that on purpose."

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"I'm just saying, there's a lot of stuff that can kill us all going on in the world right now."

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"Surt's back."

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"It's not nutjobs. Surt is here. Maybe it's not Ragnarök but if it's not Ragnarök it's something bad anyway. Surt was meant to be back for Ragnarök."

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"I don't care what you believe. I'm just saying it's not insane to think it."

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"Well, if it's Ragnarök then fighting Surt won't work anyway. Only Freyr is meant to be able to do it."

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"Even if we don't kill him we can send him back. Or away. Somewhere other than Midgard."

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"Can we go back to talking about regular adventuring and not the end of the world?" Bjorn pleads.

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"Sure. What are your plans for your adventuring career?"

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"He wants to be a tower wizard."

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"You don't have to sound so condescending."

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"'A tower wizard'."

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"You know, one of those wizards who just stays in the Geffen tower, reading old tomes and trying to invent new spells."

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"Not very adventuresome."

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"I don't wanna be an adventurer. I wanna study magic. But I gotta do some adventuring first to get a few spell Skills and enough Stats to be able to cast more interesting things."

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"Which in practice means he'll definitely need a party to carry his ass because he's not getting any Stats in anything that'd help him actually survive."

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"His fireballs will be huge, though."

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"I'm more of an ice mage."

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"Bjorn, that was innuendo."

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"...what? Oh." He flushes beet red.

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Vallynn starts laughing.

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And Annika rolls her eyes.

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"That was terrible," opines Pierre.

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"Got him to react, though."

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"Not a great achievement, it's really very easy to get a rise out of Bjorn."

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"You're all bullies."

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"It's just that you look adorable when you're flustered."

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"...no, I just like messing with him, keep that flirting tone off me."

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Blush blush blush "I'm straight."

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"We all have our flaws."

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"I should just tell Wizard Mara that none of you deserve to be mages."

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"Come on, I talked to her for two minutes and I could already tell that if you did that her interest would be immediately piqued."

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"What I hear is 'how dare you be right, Vallynn?'"

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"Shut up and eat your dinner."

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"Yes, sir."

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"And stop flirting with me."

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"Awww. Fine, I'll stop."

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Pierre snickers.

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(Why did she decide to sit with people, again? Ah, right, because that rogue kid made it sound like less effort to go along with his bullshit than to resist. Well, lesson learned.)

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Taharqi and Vallynn pushed their beds together last night and didn't pull them apart again; they're both horny young adults and are probably going to fuck again until and unless they decide that actually that's a terrible idea. So, after they've washed up and are ready to go to sleep, they find themselves snuggled up in bed.

"So, how was your first day?"

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"You make it sound like you're my upperclassman who's been here for a whole year or something."

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"Fine, how was your day, regardless of whether it is the first of your days spent at this Academy?"

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"It went alright. The mages are a colourful bunch, starting with the instructor."

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"She makes a point of not being disturbed by prospective mages until Bjorn's vetted them. Her assistant, that is."

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"Uh huh. What does vetting consist of?"

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"Apparently making sure that they've been through every other training available here and killed a few dozen porings with magic, or something along those lines."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...what if they don't know any magic? Isn't learning magic part of the point?"

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"They're given books," he says, gesturing at the bookshelf where he left some of said books earlier today, "and told to figure it out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...the incentives."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Anyone who's not dead set on being a mage is definitely going to give up partway through that, anyone who's not good at teaching themselves same, you're only left with people who can motivate themselves to learn magic from boring old tomes even while they're young and spry and full of energy and ready to adventure."

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"Hmm, not wrong, but I think that just might be how it is in general?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"'In general'?"

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"Like even out of the Academy. Picking up spell Skills doesn't really have much of a step where you keep trying to do a thing again and again until it clicks, it's all mental, so good mages kind of do have to be able to figure out how to get a spell out of a boring book.

"You can just sit down and try to meditate too but that's more likely to backfire and isn't any less boring than the tomes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You don't find it boring, though."

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He grins. "I don't. I like spending time reading thick books that contain the secrets to spells of dread power. The kind of person who will be scared of Bjorn's vetting process won't become a mage but the kind of person who is me is all for it."

Permalink Mark Unread

Vallynn is very cute and should get kissed for this.

"...backfire, though?"

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"You know Pierre?"

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"One of the mages."

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"The one we saw yesterday, who got singed by his own spell."

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"He didn't tell me why he did it, and I assume it must've been due to being a kid and wanting magic, but he got a lightning Skill. But it's, uh... not... the standard Lightning Bolt Skill."

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Taharqi furrows his brows. "That can happen?"

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"If you try just sitting down and meditating on it, yeah. Like—how'd you get your Double Attack Skill?"

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"I, uh, heard about it and tried to do it myself and focused my mind on the times I got it right until I found the Skill."

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"We don't have that. There's not any real way to try to do a Lightning Bolt that isn't just casting the spell. No, like, movement you can hold on to or anything. It's just—thinking about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...hmm. And so you can just get the wrong Skill accidentally?"

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"So how do you ever get the right Skill?"

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"There's mental exercises, and thinking about it in the right way. Mind you, it's not like there are a ton of lightning Skills out there or anything, it's just that there are enough that unless you're looking for them in the right vicinity you're pretty likely to get something like what poor Pierre did, which channels lightning through his body. To be fair to him it looks really cool to shoot lightning out of your fingers, but it's not a very safe spell and most importantly it doesn't grow into Thunderstorm and Jupitel Thunder."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that sounds really anxiety-inducing, that you might just get the wrong Skill like that."

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"I don't think it's that common? It's just, if you want to get one of the standard spells you kind of do need something to go by. Well, the starter spells, at least, from what I understand it's easier to find the right successors if you already have the correct prerequisites."

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"Meanwhile Pierre is stuck with a wasted Skill slot."

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"Ehhh. The thing I was trying to help him with earlier today was seeing if we could pivot his Skill into regular Lightning Bolt. Or at least something close enough that it'll grow into Thunderstorm sufficiently easily."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I did not know you could do that."

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"Me neither! It was mentioned in a book, though, since apparently it's a common enough problem amongst prospective mages, although the book mentioned that most people who have this issue solve it by going 'I will not spec into lightning' instead, which might be more economical but I would personally have felt very limited."

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"If you hadn't heard of it how did you know how to help Pierre?"

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"I didn't! I just felt bad for him and wanted to try."

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"Noble of you."

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"What can I say, I'm great."

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Taharqi grins. "And did you succeed?"

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"We made progress! The best way to do it, it seems, would be for him to learn some basic lightningwork the hard way and then get Lightning Bolt in a partial slot with a strengthening of his lightning fingers filling up the rest of that slot. That way he'll be able to sort of make his lightning fingers spell count as if it were the first step of Bolt when it comes to building up to Thunderstorm, so that he won't need to have Lightning Bolt as strong as he otherwise would've for it."

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"...you know, I have absolutely no idea how Skill dependency works for spells."

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"How does it work for your Skills?"

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"Well, it's, you know. ...guess you don't. Uh." Man how does he even describe it. "If I'm fast enough to double attack then it's just a matter of stretching the motion sideways to double strafe? ...assuming I can use a bow, I guess, which I can."

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"That's not dependency, though, right, you can learn either of those before the other."

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"Alright, Triple Attack, then. You practise Double Attack enough that you find it."

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"So the way it works for spells is that—okay, like, no one really knows knows this is how it works but the way lots of people think it works is that there's a—web? Of all possible Skills, and who knows where they come from, there's theories, but anyway each Skill is a node on that web and the connections between them can be, uh, thicker or thinner? When you're getting a Skill you attune your mind, or your soul, to a node, and you can do that more and more, and eventually your soul is sufficiently attuned to that Skill that it starts becoming easy to explore neighbouring nodes and find nearby Skills."

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He's heard similar spiels before, yeah, but it's always seemed a bit... mystical. Disconnected from practicalities? "It doesn't really feel like I'm doing anything like that when I'm practising a Skill."

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"The theory goes that when you try to do something with your body that is in the vicinity of the Skill you want to get that sort of—points your mind that way? It might make more sense in light of how it works for spells."

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Taharqi sits up and wraps his fingers together and looks at Vallynn expectantly like an attentive student.

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Vallynn grins and sits up, too, pulling himself back to rest against the wall. "The way it works for Spells is that you have to point your mind or your soul in the right direction when you're meditating on a Skill, and for a basic Skill it's hard to not flail in the dark because there's nothing to hold onto. You're meditating for a new Skill and you can sort of feel the way the various spells are different from each other but it's a bit freefall, and the kinds of things you read about are what you should be feeling for and what thoughts help. And a lot of it varies per person, right, but for example for Lightning Bolt I tried to think about thunderstorms and lightning hitting specific things and a sort of—goal-directed mental impression? It's hard to explain and so explaining it usually uses a billion examples."

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"But when you move you know exactly what that feels like. You know what your arms and hands are doing, you can be in your body and focus on that while meditating for a new Skill, and that is basically sufficient to almost always find the right Skill. And then when you're good enough at Double Attack and you try to fish for Triple Attack your mind slides very easily in the correct direction because you know what it feels like, you can fish around in your soul for the Skill and it's easy to go 'ah there it is, that's Triple Attack, it feels like what I feel like when I'm trying to do it'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thought you didn't have any physical Skills."

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"I don't, I'm repeating stuff I've read and watching your reactions."

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"Ha. Fair enough."

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"So once I have Lightning Bolt down I know what it feels like and it's a lot easier to get to the next one. I want the Skill that feels like Lightning Bolt but more. Or sufficiently similar. So the thing about physical Skills is that you have direct access to your own sensorium and can find the next Skill easily, and for magical Skills it's a lot harder, but the fundamental thing is still fishing around in this—web—for a nearby Skill and using various methods to identify the correct node you're trying to attune to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How does anyone even know all of this?"

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"Oh I mean there are many theories. This is just one of them. There's a theory that actually Skills are created by humanity's collective unconscious and the relationship between them is only purely about similar ideas in, like, how people as a whole relate to them, and there's a theory that this is all embedded in the fabric of reality suported by Yggdrasil and what you're doing isn't so much attuning your soul to anything as it is strengthening your connection to specific leaves of the World Tree and..."

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"That all sounds like just different ways of saying the same thing."

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"There are different details but yeah the reason no one knows which theory is true is that they all basically say the same thing about how the normal Skill acquisition process works."

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"Alright. And according to your favourite theory the thing with Pierre...?"

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"Both his weird spell and regular Lightning Bolt are connected to Thunderstorm but the connection from Bolt is stronger than the connection from Pierre's spell so Pierre would need to attune a lot more strongly to his spell to get Thunderstorm and instead we're trying to get him to attune to both of them in such a way as to use both of those links at the same time to find Thunderstorm."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And that's the goal, Thunderstorm?"

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"It's the natural progression in lightning magic and required for, like, Jupitel Thunder, which is a cornerstone spell in a lot of powerful elemental magic like Storm Gust and Lord of Vermillion, and he's probably gonna have a weaker Lightning Bolt than me if we both spend the same number of Skill slots total along that line but we'll both be able to get to Thunderstorm at the same point in our progression if we figure this out."

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"I'm very happy I'm not a mage."

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"Come on, this was fun!"

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"A bit too brainy for me. I'm not great at, you know, thinking."

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"Nonsense, if you weren't I wouldn't like you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You know you don't need to flatter me to get me to suck your cock, right?"

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"Which is how you know that the flattery is genuine!"

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"Touché. But we should actually sleep now."

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"Really? Not even a little bit of sucking cock?"

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"...fine, maybe a little bit."

Permalink Mark Unread

The bounty boards at the Academy mostly have bounties for pest control. The fields surrounding Prontera and Izlude have a persistent problem with porings and lunatics: porings because they're all technically immortal and after being killed they eventually reconstitute themselves, and lunatics because—well, the expression "breed like lunatics" exists for a reason.

And the poring problem is particularly bad because if left alone too long the porings start merging with each other and becoming worse than just minor nuisances. While porings are by and large painfully unaggressive they are constantly seeking to eat (by which one means "absorb") more and more things, and at the low end this can mess up the ecosystem but it's not unheard of for a poring to grow so large in some uninhabited areas that it started eating people. There's nothing quite as creepy as an enormous pink bubble with a :3 face in which one can see the corpses of multiple drowned people floating peacefully. So Eden Group has permanent bounties for wild porings, where proof of kill takes the form of the crystallised gelatin porings often leave behind after being killed as they quickly evaporate.

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"What's stopping people from just domesticating a poring and then killing it over and over for the bounties?"

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"Takes a while for a poring to grow large enough to reliably leave jellopies behind and Eden doesn't pay that much for them; just enough that it's often worthwhile to kill any porings you happen to run into on your way to doing something else for the free money."

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"And free Eden Merit," Pierre adds.

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Eden Merit'?"

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"There's a sort of ranking system in Eden. You get Merit for completing bounties and more powerful or difficult bounties give more Merit, and you get... stuff... for Merit. Not sure what."

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"I'm heading over to Eden HQ after lunch today to register, I think they'll explain it all there, if you wanna come with."

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"Oh yeah, sounds good to me, I'm in. It seems like the thing to do."

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"It's a pretty straightforward pipeline they've got going on here. Learn the basics at the Academy, register at Eden, turn in some bounties, build your rep and powers."

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"And then maybe Wizard Mara will finally deign to speak to me."

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Snort. "Good luck with that. Gotta catch her in a good mood."

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Plus get Bjorn's approval, Vallynn doesn't say. All of the other mages had been around for at least a week before Vallynn got here, and Magnhild and Astrid got promoted to the Guild proper and are leaving for Geffen together tomorrow, while Inga and Georgina... well... weren't doing well enough that Bjorn felt like recommending their names to Wizard Mara and they decided to go do something else instead—Georgina decided to become an elemental monk and Inga gave up on adventuring altogether and went back to Payon. Vallynn has the impression that she never really wanted to be an adventurer, her family pressured her into it, and she picked the mage path out of knowing that it's the hardest one to advance in so that she'd be able to fail easily.

Vallynn, Pierre, and Natalya all got Bjorn's recommendation, though. Natalya first, after she managed to get Lightning, Ice, and Fire Bolt down, then Pierre and Vallynn a couple of days later, together, when they managed to get Pierre's hybrid lightning spell working, which Bjorn felt was sufficiently impressive Wizard Mara would be fine with it.

So now they're waiting for her to actually want to see them, and Bjorn suggested that they take some bounties in the meantime to start getting some field action. They've clearly all gotten everything they could get out of proper instruction at the Academy; they have Skills and Stats down, they all know basic field first aid, they've memorised the map of the surroundings, so on so forth. So it's time to start moving on.

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"Let's make this an outing. There's a couple rogue kids and an archer who have been thinking of registering, too. Annika's already registered and Georgina hates your guts, though, and they're the only monks currently around."

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"Why does she hate my guts."

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Shrug. "I think you know as much as I do."

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Sigh. "Yeah. Alright, I'll grab the mages after lunch and we meet up at the bounty boards?"

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"It's a date."

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So after lunch there's a small crowd waiting for the mages when they arrive: one archer, one rogue (plus Taharqi), and two other people (a swordsman and an acolyte) who seem to be bickering about nothing at all.

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"—and I told you to wait—"

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"Well you were taking too long—"

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"—oh, hey, the mages. Hi, mages!"

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"...hi. More people than I'd thought."

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"These are Du Lian and Mark Esha," Taharqi says, gesturing. "Du heard we were going to Eden and decided to come and drag Mark with him."

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"Yeah! We'll finally go on a proper adventure!"

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"I think it's a bit too soon to call it that. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

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"And these are Vallynn, Pierre, Natalya," gesturing at the mages, "Tamarin," an archer, "Victoria," a rogue, "and Alph."

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"Holy shit where did you come from??"

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"I was here the whole time."

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"Alph is very good at not being noticed."

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"It's nice to meet everyone."

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"Nice to meet you too."

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"We done with the introductions? Let's go?"

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"Yeah! Let's goooooo~"

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Given the insane heights of power people can reach and how much of a plump and juicy target Eden Group is, they go through great pains to make it very hard for anyone to have the means to hurt them; the actual physical location of Eden HQ is on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know.

But Eden has multiple lounges for adventurers that can be more easily accessed. The rank 0 lounge, open to the public, is in Al De Baran, a city-state that is unaffiliated with the Rune-Midgard Kingdom, the Arunafeltz States, the Schwarzwald Republic, Geffen, Morroc, and pretty much everywhere else; that's also where Kafra Corps is headquartered, for the same neutrality reasons. Eden has employees stationed in all major cities with teleport access to that lounge, making it very simple to get to.

The elf Vallynn saw when first arriving at the Academy is one such employee, and once she's determined that the little group is only newbies she casts the Warp spell that'll take them to Eden.

Permalink Mark Unread

This is actually the first time he's seen this spell in person. It's... kind of underwhelming. There's a pillar of blueish light over there, a seventy centimeter diameter cylinder, and when the others step into it they flash for half a second then vanish. And stepping into it, himself, is equally underwhelming: there's a flash of light covering his vision, and then he's elsewhere. Nothing very fancy.

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The lounge itself is a lot less underwhelming, though.

It's a very large room, with enough space for hundreds of people split into numerous more self-contained spaces with chairs and tables and bookshelves. Despite being just the "rank 0" lounge, there are actually very many powerful adventurers there, the kinds that would survive with a few scratches if the entire building fell down on them and who therefore are not at all soft targets. And they are... a very colourful bunch.

Rather literally. They don't dress normal. They don't even pretend they're normal. They wear layers upon layers of enchantments and it is surreal.

There's a person over there covered from head to toe in black metal armour that must be three times their weight with a circular halo of red light above their head; there's a wizard sitting cross-legged in the air, robes swishing in nonexistent wind, three orbs of fire lazily circling around him above his head, having a thoughtful conversation with a woman in oiled leathers sitting atop a blue-and-white wolf bigger than a horse; there is a man wearing long white trousers, no shoes and no shirt, bandages wrapped around his knuckles, built like a house with dozens upon dozens of scars covering his skin, eyes glowing faintly; there's a woman and a man, both green-haired, both with butterfly-like wings attached to their backs, both entirely nude except for body paint and a ton of jewellery (piercings, bracelets, anklets, necklaces, rings), having a very animated argument with a person in a long pink kimono wearing a blindfold with Amatsu ideograms painted onto it, their lower face ashy white and their lips coal black, who seems to be able to talk without moving their mouth; there's a man that is wearing entirely normal trousers and an entirely normal shirt open to his navel with a katana attached to his belt, reading a book, and everyone is giving him a wide berth.

And amongst all of them are the newbies, the young adventurers with no experience, looking by comparison drab and normal and unassuming. Some of them have awestruck looks on their faces, some look like they've been here a while and are getting used to all of this, some look businesslike and unflappable, some look terrified. And some are even chatting to the veterans, undaunted, or perhaps daunted but working past it. Veterans are, after all, a great source of advice, and if they didn't want to be bothered by novices they wouldn't be in this particular lounge.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whoooooooooa..." Du turns around to grin at Mark. "This place is so cool!!!! How did we never come here before?? Come on, come on, let's register!!!!" And without waiting for an answer he grabs Mark by the wrist and starts dragging him towards the desk on the other side of the room.

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...sure, that might as well happen.

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"We did come here to register with Eden, after all," Taharqi says, agreeably, and starts walking towards the desk, too, albeit at a much more relaxed pace than Du's.

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The person at the desk had already started talking to Du and Mark but he interrupts himself when he sees the larger group approaching. "Gosh! Many people today. Hello, I'm secretary Lime Evenor, in charge of registration and other clerical duties here at the lounge. Is everyone here to register?"

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"We are."

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"Excellent! Then let me give you the introductory speech.

"Eden Group was founded sixty-three years ago but a group of intrepid adventurers who saw—"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wait, you've already said all that!"

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"She said it to us, not to them."

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"Aww but I don't want to hear all of it again."

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"Then maybe you should've waited for everyone instead of barging ahead on your own. Now shut up and listen."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—anyway! We were founded sixty-three years ago by a group of intrepid adventurers who saw the rapidly deteriorating state of the world, with ever-more-powerful people and threats causing great instability, chaos, and mayhem, and who decided to push back against it and fight for unity and freedom. They envisioned a society of people free of political or partisan affiliation seeking to provide aid and succor to all who need it in this realm, to coordinate to combat those dangers no individual can hope to face on their own, and to provide a network of support in reaching farther than anyone ever has!

"To achieve this, we provide new adventurers with the resources to start up their own journeys as well-prepared as they can be, and we provide incentives for them to learn more and become more powerful and help more people. As you complete more tasks for us, you will gain ranks which will then give you access to more perks. We have blacksmiths and enchanters signed on with us who provide exclusive services to high-ranking members, and of course we have more and more exclusive lounges for powerful adventurers to meet up and party together and go deal with tougher issues. Higher-ranking adventurers are also barred from completing low-ranking tasks as we want to incentivise proper growth. Of course, if as a low-ranking member you complete a high-rank bounty you will be appropriately rewarded, but we must warn you against that; you are much more likely to die than to succeed. And of course, being a high-ranking member of Eden comes with its privileges outside, too.

"Membership does not come with any particular responsibilities, except that if you are found to be abusing your privileges or openly working against the principles outlined in our mission statement of prosperity and glory we will strip you of your ranks and in extreme cases may send other powerful adventurers to deal with you. Don't worry, though, this definitely won't happen to you by accident, you need to be trying really hard for it to get to that degree of seriousness. You will receive a special badge that will be attuned to your personal spiritual signature and which will track your ranks here, and it has a renewable enchantment that will let you warp back to the rank 0 lounge.

"Are there any questions?"

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"Yeah!" Du points at the man with the katana. "Who's that guy and why is everyone staying away from him?"

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He sighs. "That's Luke Lapez. He's the head of Eden Guard, and one of our highest-ranking members. If you want to find out why everyone is giving him a wide berth I invite you to try getting closer to him than that."

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"I'm gonna do that!" Off he goes.

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"If that was everything then may I get everyone's names? If you all came from Criatura Academy that is all I'll need, they've already sent us any relevant information about all of you."

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"...even before we decided we were going to register at all?"

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"The Academy is part of Eden Group," he points out. "We do need to keep track of who's there regardless of whether they decide to join us in the end."

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"Fair enough. I'm Pierre Gagneux."

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The novices give Lime their names one by one and he finds them in the registry—there are enough people from all over the world registered with Eden that he doesn't have trouble with names that don't use the standard Rune-Midgard common alphabet like Natalya's (Наталья) and Taharqi's (𓇿𓉔𓃭𓈎)—to make their registration with Eden official. He needs to cast a specific spell with the Eden badge (which is an oval pink gem gilded with silver) to register their personal magical signatures, but that's also pretty quick and in short order they're all done.

All, that is, except for...

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"That was awful. Oh, gods, that was horrible."

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"...what happened?"

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"I don't want to talk about it. Can I register now, please?"

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"Of course."

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So he does that, looking haunted throughout the entire process.

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"Very well, then, you're all registered! The bounty boards are that way," and he points at a wall to his left that is almost entirely covered by a cork board with a myriad postings, "and they follow a rough power expectation from left to right. You can also find bounty boards in all major cities on this continent as well as in the Academy you just came from. Bounty listings include a minimum and a maximum ranking that you have and can be to take them, but most of the listings you will find on this lounge do not have a minimum ranking requirement. You can talk to my colleagues Yann and Joo Garam over there to ask about any bounties or claim their rewards, or you can be directed to the people who posted the bounties themselves. Bounties outside our lounges will typically ask that you talk to their posters directly but since they need to be registered with Eden to be allowed to post to one of our boards you can always come back here if you need help with anything.

"Now I encourage you to go look at the bounties and maybe find your first one, or to talk to other adventurers here if there's anything more you're curious about or if you just want to get to know some people."

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Oh Taharqi absolutely wants to do that, whee networking excuse him he's gone now.

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"Okay but seriously what happened?"

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"No, I am not thinking about this anymore, let's find bounties, come on!"

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Yeah that sounds good, they can go find some bounties.

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There are so many bounties Vallynn doesn't even know where to start, so he starts somewhere random.

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The Prontera Guard is looking for a hero! YOU are this hero!

If you are looking to save the people of Prontera from the perils of vermin-carried disease then the Prontera Culvert Vermin Eradication Initiative is where you'll

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Lunatic Infestation

The rainbow carrot farm is looking for an intrepid adventurer to help with the infestation of lunatics in

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Help Cull The Population Of Thara Frogs

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Just how many of these are pest control? Is he being too precious or self-centered? He guesses if there are dangerous, uh, thief bugs or whatever in the Prontera culvert then that should probably be dealt with but he'd have expected there to be, you know, people who work specifically with pest control who do this? Hiring Eden adventurers for that seems like overkill.

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Unfortunately it does seem like the vast majority of these are pest control of some kind, with variously competent layers of pretending to be otherwise.

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"Spoiled for choice, huh."

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"Thor's hairy ballsack."

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He grins. "Miss me?"

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"I'm gonna need to install a bell on you, holy fuck."

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"Alph doesn't have a monopoly on being silent and deadly."

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"Fucking rogues, man. ...where even is Alph, actually, I don't think I saw him... leave with anyone, after we registered? Is this a stupid question, was that exactly how he wanted it."

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"It sure was." Taharqi walks around Vallynn to peer at the listings. "And what brand of heroics are we finding ourselves interested in, hmm? Insects? Tiny mammals? Slimes?"

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"Ugh. It's all so, so..."

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"Beneath you?"

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"...okay that just makes me sound spoiled and uppity."

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"It was meant to."

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"Am I in fact being unreasonable?"

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"Wow, not micing words, huh."

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"It was just the one word."

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Vallynn sighs.

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"I'm sure you're very talented." Pause. "I mean, I actually am, I've seen you do your thing. But you're rank zero and you're not gonna be allowed to do anything beyond that until you've done rank zero things."

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"I mean, sure, okay, yeah, I'd just hoped that rank zero things would be more... you know..."

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"I don't. Enlighten me."

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"...you're being a dick on purpose."

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"And you're being self-centered and arrogant."

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"Did you just come here to pick a fight because you're about to pick a fight."

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"Get over yourself, man, I'm not here to pick a fight with you, I just saw you sulking from a distance and guessed why and I'm trying to help you pull your head out of your ass."

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"Ugh, fuck off."

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"...I'm just gonna go. We can talk later."

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"Yeah, bye."

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And since Alph does in fact not have a monopoly on being a sneaky rogue he slinks away out of sight.

...well, out of Vallynn's sight. The myriad incredibly powerful adventurers in this room can all see him just fine without even trying.

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He sulks for a bit longer and he can't even pretend what he's doing isn't sulking because Taharqi went and pointed out to him how childish he was being. Snapping at Taharqi was stupid and he had been about to snap worse just as Taharqi left and left him with his feelings and dumb anger. There isn't even anything to be angry about, here, except himself.

It's kind of embarrassing, really.

So he sulks for a bit longer and then goes to find Taharqi again to apologise.

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Taharqi has found himself in the little group with the two people with butterfly wings and the person in the pink kimono who doesn't need to move their lips to speak. He grins at Vallynn when the latter arrives. "Oh, hey, this is the mage novice I told you guys about. Vallynn, these are Pek," butterfly wing dude, "Taph," butterfly wing gal, "and Megumi," kimono person. "Pek, Taph, Megumi, this is Vallynn."

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Butterfly people nod a greeting and Megumi says, "Enchanted." Their voice echoes strangely, or perhaps the best word is "vibrates", and the sound seems to quickly slip away from one's memory, leaving only the meaning behind.

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"It's an honour to meet all of you," he says, and oh he's burning with curiosity to know what their deal is. Why the butterfly wings, are they fairies? He thought fairies were myths, or at the very least had left Midgard centuries ago. And the Amatsu person is just as intriguing, he has no idea what kind of magic allows them to talk like that and he really really wants to know.

Powerful adventurers are an entirely different species.

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Perhaps sensing Vallynn's curiosity, Taharqi says, "The three of them aren't associated with any guilds. Pek and Taph are from Umbala and the closest reference to regular adventurers would be a cross between sages and priests, Megumi is from Amatsu and their schtick is similar to a rogue's."

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"I find that comparison reductive and unenlightening," sniffs Pek. "We are enchanters, stranger, but we do not organise in the rigidly hierarchical ways you do." His accent is peculiar, a clipped prosody with hard 'r's and short vowels.

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"I hope it is not disrespectful to say that I would be fascinated to hear more about it."

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"Fascinated," he says with ill-concealed contempt. "Would you say the arts of the rogue are fascinating? The archer? The gunslinger?"

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"He is that kind of nerd."

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"...hm. Then perhaps it is not disrespectful after all."

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"We are used to being seen as exotic attractions," explains Taph. "Because of our attire and our magic and some places even our skin colour."

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"...that sounds singularly unpleasant, I'm so sorry."

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She waves a dismissive hand. "Eden is a good place. Other powerful adventurers do not judge what is different."

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"Does Eden not have much of a presence in Umbala?" Wherever that is.

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"It does not."

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...something tells him that he should definitely not ask anything more about that. He nods and then doesn't really know what to say next.

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Taharqi to the rescue!

"I think Vallynn wanted to talk to me about something, though, so if you will excuse us."

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Taharqi is pretty great. He'll follow.

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There isn't really anywhere with any privacy here (except around Luke, who continues to have a wide bubble around him that no one dares approach) but they can project a little bit of "don't talk to me" with body language and that should be good enough. So Taharqi leans against a wall and raises an eyebrow.

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Sigh. "Sorry for snapping at you."

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Shrug. "It was nothing. I can deal with slight misdirected anger."

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"It was very definitely not misdirected."

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He lifts his eyebrow further.

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"You're trying to get on my nerves again, aren't you."

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"Because it's fun."

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"...you're lying."

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"Because you need a thicker skin, my guy. You're a rank zero adventurer with no experience to speak of, no one will give you the time of day if you don't have something to make it worth their while, other people will be incredibly condescending towards you and if you can't handle a friend being condescending then you'd better get that shit out of the way right now!"

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"Okay I understand what you're saying but you're being an ass about it and furthermore very patronising in the, like, one level up. Like beyond just—why do you think you have the right to try to teach me a lesson, or the responsibility?"

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"...I mean..."

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"Nah uh, my turn to give you a lesson: stop managing other people. It's not your job and it's not cool, I understand that you have magical social powers that are akin to mind reading but that does not make it okay for you to then try to use that to manipulate people.

"Besides, I personally get angrier when it is a friend who is being condescending to me, I don't give a shit if it's strangers but if it's someone who is meant to know me and like me then it kind of hurts."

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"...that's kind of an unhelpful reaction."

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"Yeah, well, I'm keeping a pretty good lid on it all things considered. Was there something you wanted to communicate besides your ill-advised attempt at being my mother?"

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"...no. Sorry."

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"Mmhm. You're forgiven. Now, did you actually find any bounties that caught your eye?"

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"Not... really, I've been, uh..."

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"Trying to network with powerful people like the social butterfly you are, which I should say also doesn't increase your Eden rank."

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"Yeah, yeah, but it's important, too."

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"Granted, I'm not saying stop, I'm just saying come with me to find a bounty we can do together and then go back to being whatever insect your heart dreams you might be."

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"Yes, sir."

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"Leave it for the bedroom."

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"Yes, sir."