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Lucy attempts to solve post-Razmir Ustalav
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"There are forlorn graves for thieves and murderers in most cities, some of whom will be Chaotic or Neutral Evil and have destroyed souls," he goes on. "I do not know Razmir, and would ask my goddess or someone who does."


"If Razmir is resurrected," says the man who has actually met him, "he will begin destroying Chelish cities until there is no one more responsible for his death alive to destroy."


“Which Felandriel Morgethai is probably fine with, given the situation. Do you think he’ll still do that if Cheliax is under new management when it happens?”


"The gods may know, Miss Whitman, but I do not."

He pauses. "Though I suspect Cheliax may take some time to fall. Armies can only conquer at the speed of leg, and you fly far faster than any man or horse walks."


"Hmm, well, Commune is a spell, so 'the gods may know' is more useful than nothing. Either way, I'm going to table the 'rescue Razmir' question; not only do I not know for sure if it's a good idea, I can't break into demiplanes or anything yet." 


"Geb is the greatest center of undead in the world," he says, "and so far only Mechitar has been resurrected, not all cities in it. After that, there must be great numbers of undead in Ustulav you did not raise, but scattered, and they would need to be tracked individually. Perhaps Nemret Noktoria, ghoul-city of Kabiri, though Kortash Khain is nearly as old as Geb, though not as powerful."


"Kortash Khain?"


Oh. they're picking another fight with an immortal archmage who likes reanimating people.


"High Priest of Kabiri, demon lord of ghouls, ruler of Nemret Noktoria and sorcerer-theurgist of at least the eighth circle. His precise capabilities are unknown and vast, but do not include ninth circle clericry or sorcery unless he has successfully concealed them for centuries or only recently developed them, but he is a power more ancient than Iomedae, and his demon patron shows him great favor."


“Huh. Do you think they still would if he wasn’t a ghoul anymore?”


"I do not know. You would incite Kabiri's rage. And all demons are wrathful, but elder demon lords have learned caution or they would no longer be elder demon lords."


"...Okay, I'm going to schedule that one for after Geb is dealt with, so as to only have one unreasonably powerful ex-undead mad at me at a time," Lucy decides reluctantly. 


Well, that's good.


"And that leaves spellsilver and Ustalav."


"Do you intend to try to create spellsilver from nothing, or refine it?"


"Uh...neither of those, exactly. I mean, I could try making spellsilver from nothing, but that would be harder and more dangerous than the thing I am thinking of doing, which is taking other metals and turning them into spellsilver. I can explain how that works but I think it will involve introducing a bunch of concepts you don't have yet." 


"We've already got alchemy. What will you need for this?"


"Uh, various metals, ideally in big lumps or at least, like, sorted by what metal they are, a giant piece of copper is fine, a bag of pieces of copper is fine, a bag each of copper, tin, and iron is fine, a bag of mixed metals I can work with but I expect to get less usable final product per initial mass that way." 

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